
Police intimidation, management threats and rights violations at Arcor Argentina

15.05.20 News
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On May 4, police entered the Bagley biscuit factory in Arroyito, Córdoba and attempted to arrest workers and union representatives preparing a meeting on safety measures to deal with the coronavirus hazard. Héctor Morcillo, the general secretary of the IUF-affiliated foodworker federation FTIA, who came to the Córdoba plant to stop police from harassing union delegates, strongly condemned the use of the police against union representatives "defending the wages, safety, and lives of our fellow workers."

According to the union, Bagley has not been paying the obligatory bonuses and premiums and refuses to pay wages to workers legally entitled to stay home to care for their children during the pandemic.

The union has filed for and won the involvement of the Labour Ministry in the dispute, but Arcor has violated the terms of the conciliation order and continues to threaten union representatives. According to the union, Bagley has still not implemented necessary health and safety protections.

Argentina-based confectionery maker Arcor has some 40 plants across Latin America.

Through the Latin American regional secretariat, Latin American unions representing Arcor workers have demonstrated their solidarity with the FTIA; the dispute continues.