
IUF and AccorInvest agreement on fighting sexual harassment

16.09.19 News
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The IUF and the French-based transnational hotel chain AccorInvest have signed an agreement on measures to fight sexual harassment at work.

The agreement was signed on July 15 by IUF General Secretary Sue Longley and AccorInvest CEO John Ozinga, in Paris, France. It covers all persons employed by the Group or operating on behalf of AccorInvest.

The agreement sets out a zero tolerance police on sexual harassment and recognizes the indispensable role of unions and collective bargaining in its elimination from the workplace. A comprehensive gender-aware procedure forms the basis of implementation, from prevention to sanctions.

AccorInvest commits “to engage the companies managing its establishments to ensure that its customers are informed, by all means necessary, of the zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment and that measures may be taken against them that go beyond those provided by law, including expulsion, following a complaint of sexual harassment made by a worker or a customer.”

Progress in implementation will be jointly evaluated on a regular basis.

It is the first agreement in this area signed by the IUF following the adoption of ILO Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work in June this year. The Convention explicitly recognizes that workers have to be protected from violence and harassment by third parties, including clients, customers and service providers.

AccorInvest is the largest operator of Accor-branded hotels with some 900 hotels worldwide, stemming from an exclusivity agreement. However it may in future own hotels operating under other brands.

”Studies show that sexual harassment is endemic in the hospitality sector. AccorInvest’s recognition that the best results will be achieved through working together is very important” commented IUF General Secretary Sue Longley.

AccorInvest CEO John Ozinga said, “As a leading investor and owner-operator in Europe, it is important for the Group to position itself explicitly on this topic, which is fully in line with our Ethics and CSR approach. This commitment is a factor of social progress and improvement of the working conditions of our employees”.

Click here to read the agreement in English (original version).