
International solidarity with embattled workers at New Zealand rights abuser Talleys/AFFCO

11.04.16 News
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TalleysSindIUF affiliates in Asia/Pacific have been holding rolling actions to show solidarity and support for the New Zealand Meatworkers' Union fighting for union rights and safe working conditions at Talleys/AFFCO. Through the IUF Asia/Pacific regional organization, unions in Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand have been demonstrating their support. The dozens of actions involve workers in dairy, fast food, fishing, sugar, food processing and agriculture and unions in transnational companies including Coca-Cola, Danone, Nestlé and Unilever.

The IUF will continue to organize active support for the workers facing Talleys/AFFCO's relentless war on rights.

IUF dairy workers in Karnataka, India

and IUF members at Nestlé Kejayan, Indonesia