
Tell Reynolds to address farmworker abuses in its tobacco supply chain!

27.05.15 Urgent Action
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FLOC_RAI1After confronting British American Tobacco (BAT) at its annual shareholder meeting in London on 29 April, FLOC was in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on 7 May for the Reynolds American (RAI) shareholder meeting. CLICK HERE to send a message to Reynolds!

Some 30 FLOC representatives and allies were able to raise questions particularly concerning the validity of the audits referred to by BAT Chairman Richard Burrows the previous week.


FLOC marches on Reynolds for justice in the tobacco supply chain

After the meeting, the delegation joined 300 FLOC members and supporters rallying outside RAI headquarters, demanding that Reynolds address abuses in its supply chain by signing an agreement with FLOC that guarantees trade union rights and protections and paves the way for negotiations over better working and living conditions.

Click here for the Report presented to BAT shareholders on conditions on North Carolina tobacco farms.

Add your name to the call for collective bargaining rights for tobacco workers by signing the online petition to Reynolds American!