Outsourced Unilever workers in the Netherlands strike for decent transfer conditions - support them NOW!

07.03.13 Urgent Action

FNV Bondgenoten has embarked on a series of actions following a breakdown in negotiations to secure decent transfer conditions for Netherlands Unilever workers scheduled to be outsourced to the catering/services giant Sodexo.

Domestic Workers: Human Rights Award for "historic success"

07.03.13 News

The International Domestic Workers’ Network, IDWN, has been awarded the 2013 AFL-CIO George Meany – Lane Kirkland Human Rights Award. The award, created in1980, celebrates outstanding examples of the international struggle for human rights through trade unions.

The more things change: Heinz and the varieties of private equity buyout

06.03.13 Editorial

Subject to shareholder approval later this year, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and Brazilian 3G Capital will acquire food giant Heinz for USD 28 billion. It is a private equity buyout with a twist - appropriate for a company which marketed the phrase "57 varieties" - but the impact on Heinz workers will be similar to what workers have long experienced in leveraged buyouts: intense pressure on employment and working conditions as investors seek to wring out the last drop of cash.

UK - Unite takes fight to save the AWB to House of Lords

06.03.13 News

Agricultural workers from Unite, will today lobby Britain’s upper house of parliament to urge support for legal measures to stop Coalition Government plans to abolish the Agricultural Wages Board (AWB). The Board sets minimum rates of pay and other employment conditions such as sick pay and holiday entitlement for 154,000 workers.

UFC: respect Women!

05.03.13 News

This International Women's Day, we are taking a stand against the denigration of women that has been tolerated by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) for far too long. We call on the world's largest promoter of professional cage fighting events to put an end to the misogyny and sexism that pervades the "sport."

Is the All-Inclusive model sustainable for hotel workers?

04.03.13 News

Tourism Concern and IUF will cooperate in seeking to better understand how the all-inclusive model of tourism is impacting upon the rights of hotel workers across the globe. The All-Inclusive hotel/holiday package model is becoming increasingly pervasive and there is growing market demand from consumers, reflecting the challenging global economic climate.

Indonesia: union secures permanent jobs for 600 casuals at Unilever joint venture

02.03.13 News

More than 600 casual and contract workers will shift to permanent positions at Unilever’s Kecap Bango joint venture in Subang, Indonesia. For hundreds of workers employed through labour hire agencies for the past 10 years it is a life-changing breakthrough that brings an end to the insecurity, discrimination and vulnerability that characterizes precarious employment.

Fiji - fairtrade ignores abuses in sugar mills?

01.03.13 News

The IUF and the ITUC are publicly challenging fair-trade sugar from Fiji in response to an article by the Fairtrade Foundation in the UK Guardian.

Turkey: Key McDonald's supplier unionised by IUF affiliate Tekgida-Is

23.02.13 News

IUF-affiliated Tekgida-Is has just won a significant struggle against East Balt company, a key supplier for McDonald`s chain restaurants in Turkey.

How Fast Food Workers Super-Sized Their Pay in New Zealand

14.02.13 News

McDonald's workers in New ZealandThe New Zealand union Unite launched its "SuperSize My Pay" campaign in 2005. Now with more than 4,000 members at KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Starbucks, Burger King, and Wendy's, it has become one of the most successful fast food organizing efforts in the world. Unite's strategy? Very simple! By going into fast-food restaurants and organizing the workers.

The horse meat scandal: strengthen labour standards to secure food safety

12.02.13 News

In the wake of the horse meat scandal and the risk to food safety admitted by the UK Environment Secretary, the UK Food Safety Authority (FSA) admitted that it was highly likely that there had been criminal and fraudulent activity in the meat supply chain. While the authorities ponder testing regimes, the IUF calls on employers and Governments to tackle the real cause of the problem - low pay, contract labour, unscrupulous employers, fear, loathing and desperation.

Moldova: Legal victory for Glodeni leaders but struggle goes on

04.02.13 News

Leaders at the Glodeni sugar factory, Moldova, have won their campaign to have charges of "damaging company finances" dismissed. A recent court hearing ruled that their action of blocking factory gates to ensure that sugar was not removed was not directed against the company but was to protect workers’ interests and the assets owed to them by their bankrupt employer.

India: Luxury hotel workers boycott overtime in fight against precarious work

04.02.13 News

An overtime boycott by 530 union members at The Leela Hotel in Mumbai entered its second week as the campaign for casual workers’ rights at one of the city’s most expensive luxury hotels continues.

SINTRAINAGRO activist murdered

30.01.13 News

In the early morning on January 28, Juan Carlos Muñoz, a SINTRAINAGRO member, was murdered by gunmen on his way to board a bus to take him to work in the sugar cane fields in Colombia's Cauca River Valley.

Australia: Lion dairy workers strike and win protection for casual workers

24.01.13 News

IUF-affiliated NUW members at Lion in Crestmead struck for 24 hours on Christmas Eve after negotiations with the company failed to reach a fair outcome for Queensland workers.


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