Fast food workers in the Philippines protest McDonald's wage theft

18.08.15 News

On August 12 - International Youth Day - young fast food workers in the Philippines mobilized to protest against the systematic theft of wages by companies like McDonald's through policies that impose forced unpaid overtime at the end of every shift.

USA: BCTGM members ratify new agreement at Kellogg

10.08.15 News

After a 22-month-long struggle - which included the 10-month lock-out of 226 BCTGM members in Memphis - a new collective agreement has been negotiated between Kellogg and the union of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers.

Rescued Citra Mina fishing workers launch union-owned 'Worker Safe' training boats

10.08.15 News

CitraMina565sFive months after internationally coordinated action by IUF and SENTRO secured the release and repatriation of 43 fishing crew detained in Indonesia and abandoned by the tuna giant Citra Mina, the Citra Mina Workers' Union and its allies celebrated the launch of three newly built fishing vessels owned and operated by the union. 

McDonald's Italy: no room for unions on the menu

04.08.15 News

McDoBannerMcDonald's Italy workers and their unions are fighting the company's dismissal of 4 union workers following the closure of its flagship restaurant in Milan's city center. The conflict began on July 19 when managers told employees on duty that the restaurant would be closing the next day. Union representatives were not given any previous information.

Management at Bagan Hotel River View in Myanmar responds to international campaign with new rights abuses

30.07.15 Urgent Action

942In response to the international campaign launched by the IUF to defend basic trade union rights at the upscale Bagan Hotel River View in Myanmar (Burma), management is now screening job applicants to identify potential union supporters. Applicants are asked if they know anyone who is a union member and are warned that if they join the union they will fail their probation. Additionally, management attempted to force out older workers active in the union by ordering workers over 60 to resign within 24 hours. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE

US Fast Food workers win wage increase in Los Angeles and New York

24.07.15 News

Fightfor15Fast Food workers have won two important victories in their fight for better wages as both Los Angeles County and New York State voted to raise minimum wages.

The WTO's Doha Development Round: bad news from start to… finish?

20.07.15 Feature

Nearly 10 years ago, the IUF, together with two of our sister international union federations and a coalition of international civil society organizations, warned of the likely consequences of the WTO's stalled Doha Round of trade negotiations, calling it "a recipe for the massive destruction of livelihoods, mass unemployment and the degradation of work". Now there is a new threat coming from the WTO - the way in which the Doha Round may be formally wound up or suspended in the months preceding the Nairobi WTO ministerial in December.

Fair Hotels Croatia - promoting trade union rights in tourism

16.07.15 News

fairhotelscroatiaFair Hotels Croatia, a new initiative from the IUF-affiliated Union of Tourism and Catering of Croatia (STUH), provides an online list of hotels where collective agreements have been negotiated and worker rights are respected. The union is seeking to promote a quality of tourism in which worker rights are embedded and to involve a maximum number of hotels.

Support SABMiller Panama workers on strike for bargaining rights

16.07.15 Urgent Action

SabPanama1Workers at Cervecería Nacional, Panama's beer and soft-drink subsidiary of global brewing giant SABMiller, have been on indefinite strike since July 10 in a conflict over basic trade union rights. CLICK HERE TO SEND A SUPPORT MESSAGE TO SABMILLER!

UK Unite solidarity with Greece

13.07.15 News

Unite in the UK issued a strong statement of support for the Greek government on the eve of the July 12 summit, declaring:  "Greece has been used as a laboratory for the policies of austerity. That experiment has now failed, as it is failing in the UK and elsewhere across Europe. It is up to the political leaders of Europe to now sit down with the Government of Alexis Tsipras and reach a deal that is sustainable and ensures a future for Greece based on solidarity."

IUF raises inadequate maternity provisions with Nestlé - significant improvement announced

07.07.15 News

In meetings with Nestlé corporate management on gender issues, the IUF had consistently pointed out to Nestlé that there was a need to raise its global standards on the issue of maternity protection at least to the level of ILO Convention 183. In a welcome move Nestlé has now acted.

Honduras: beverage union calls for wider action as protests against corruption and impunity grow

07.07.15 News

HondurasThe IUF-affiliated Honduran beverage workers union STIBYS has called for intensified mass action as protests against corruption, impunity and the looting of the state social security system gather pace. STIBYS was a pillar of the resistance to the 2009 'parliamentary coup d'etat' which deposed the elected president, and has been prominent in the recent protests.

Solidarity wins reinstatement for Unilever Pakistan workers

06.07.15 News

Solidarity, persistence and the support of the IUF have won reinstatement and permanent positions for 23 workers unfairly dismissed at Unilever’s factory in Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan for supporting the fight for permanent employment contracts.

UFCW action prompts US workplace safety agency to cite poultry producers for ergonomic hazards

06.07.15 News

Safety complaints from UFCW members at the Allen Harim chicken processing plant at Harbeson, Delaware were upheld in June by OSHA, which found that workers are exposed to "excessive force and exertion, repetitive motions and awkward postures resulting in ergonomic stressors" leading to crippling repetitive strain injuries

Bagan Hotel River View in Myanmar – stunning location, fantastic views, no room for unions

02.07.15 Urgent Action

Tourism is booming in Myanmar, but workers are still denied their basic rights after decades of dictatorship. On March 7 this year, management summoned the union executive to a closed meeting in a private hotel room guarded by hotel security and instructed them to disband the union and to sign resignation letters. Five union leaders who refused were immediately terminated. You can support the struggle for trade union rights - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE.


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