IUF, Australian and Hong Kong unions in cooperation agreement to protect the rights of migrant workers

12.10.15 News

Organizing by the IUF-affiliated National Union of Workers in Australia's poultry industry has brought to light the brutal exploitation of migrant workers not only in poultry processing but on many farms producing produce for the country's leading retail chains. As part of its ongoing campaign to defend these vulnerable workers and ensure they are treated fairly, the NUW has entered into an agreement with the independent trade union confederation HKCTU in Hong Kong, one of the sources of migrant labour, with the support of the IUF.

IUF condemns Ankara bombing as a barbaric attack on labour, peace and democracy

10.10.15 News

Twin bomb explosions at the outset of a rally for 'Labour, Peace and Democracy' in Ankara, Turkey on Saturday, October 10 have, as we write, officially claimed the lives of 86 people, with hundreds of wounded.  Two trade union organizations, DISK and the public-sector union KESK, were among the rally organizers, which also included professional organizations of doctors and architects. The two union organizations have called for a two-day strike beginning Monday to condemn the attack and allow people to attend the funerals.

Nobel Peace Prize to Tunisian Dialogue Quartet includes UGTT

09.10.15 News

This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Tunisia's Dialogue Quartet, a grouping made up of the national trade union center UGTT, the national employer confederation, the Tunisian Human Rights League and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers. Since its establishment in 2013, the Quartet has played a pivotal role in preserving and consolidating the democratic gains of the 2011 uprising.

IUF affiliates meet in Tunisia in solidarity with the fight for democracy

07.10.15 News

SolidarityMeetingTunisia_0IUF affiliates gathered in Hammamet, Tunisia, on September 25 to show their solidarity with the people of Tunisia and their struggle to overcome the criminal attacks earlier this year which deliberately targeted democracy and the national economy.

PepsiSqueeze - snacks and drinks giant PepsiCo violates the rights of warehouse workers in India

07.10.15 Urgent Action

pepsisqueezebannerGlobal snack and beverage giant PepsiCo is violating the rights of a courageous group of workers in West Bengal, India who formed a trade union and were fired as a result. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO PEPSICO!

Global Housekeeping Campaign in the Philippines brings union gains at Manila hotels

01.10.15 News

The IUF-affiliated NUWHRAIN set up a Campaign Committee in August after joining the Global Housekeeping Campaign and has won important gains for local union chapters at Sofitel and Holiday Inn in Manila.

Finnish unions fight proposed anti-union laws with strikes and demonstrations

20.09.15 News

HelsinkiWorkers in Finland's 3 national trade union centers held strikes and demonstrations on September 18 to show their opposition to the new coalition government's proposed legislative attack on collective bargaining rights.  Some 300,000 workers engaged in worked stoppages, including 10,000 members of the Food Workers Union SEL who held strikes ranging from 15 minutes to 4 days, depending on the company.

Stop the government of Finland's massive attack on trade union rights!

16.09.15 Urgent Action

Finland's new right-wing coalition government has announced plans to unilaterally cut pay and benefits negotiated through collective bargaining through legislation which violates basic trade union rights, Conventions of the ILO and international and European human rights instruments. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE!

Mass pressure takes Uruguay out of TISA negotiations

13.09.15 Feature

NoTisasmallThe President of Uruguay has officially announced the country's withdrawal from the Trade in Services Agreement TISA following a majority vote by the political council of the governing Broad Front coalition to exit the talks. The decision is a major victory for the trade unions, whose national center PIT-CNT held mass strikes and demonstrations this year in an escalating campaign against participation in TISA, and their civil society allies.

India - BBC report confirms appalling conditions on Assam's tea plantations

10.09.15 News

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced a shocking report on working conditions on Assam's tea estates, which provide tea for many of the world's leading companies

BBC tea report shows further failures by Rainforest Alliance

10.09.15 News

The BBC report was highly critical of the Rainforest Alliance, which certifies large parts of the tea industry for global companies like Tata and Unilever

European Commission refuses public access to glyphosate safety assessment

01.09.15 News

The European Commission has refused to make available the risk assessment report on glyphosate prepared for the European Food Safety Authority. Glyphosate is the world's most widely used herbicide and the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup. The risk assessment will determine Glyphosate's renewed authorization in the European Union. The European pesticide lobby is pressing Europe to follow the United States in increasing allowable glyphosate exposure levels.

Brazilian Senate hearing spotlights McDonald's abuses

28.08.15 News


Hearings in the Brazilian Senate on August 20 marked a significant escalation in the global campaign to hold McDonald's responsible for abusing its workers. Brazil is one of McDo's most important markets. Workers and union leaders from five continents, elected officials and politicians from around the world gave forceful evidence of how McDonald's business model is harming workers, consumers, governments, suppliers, and competitors.

IUF dairy unions highlight TPP threat to rights and livelihoods

28.08.15 News

IUFDairyDivisionRepresentatives of IUF dairy unions, meeting in San Francisco on August 26, highlighted the damaging potential of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement to reduce wages and working conditions and destroy the livelihoods of workers and small producers in the dairy sector. IUF Dairy Division affiliates include unions from 9 of the 12 countries represented in the secretive negotiations.


India: "Don't call me Room Boy!" say hotel housekeepers fighting for respect

19.08.15 News


Union members from six hotels in southern India joined the "Make My Workplace Safe" educational workshop in Bangalore on August 7-8 as part of the IUF Global Housekeeping Campaign. 


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