Uzbekistan: the World Bank must speak out when rights activists are beaten and detained for documenting forced labour in cotton

17.11.15 Urgent Action

957The government of Uzbekistan continues its brutal crackdown on human rights defenders documenting the massive use of forced labour in the cotton harvest. The World Bank, which is financing the 'modernization' of Uzbek agriculture, is supposed to be monitoring the presence of forced labour. What is it doing in the face of this crackdown? 



IUF condemns Paris terror attack, expresses solidarity with French workers and citizens

16.11.15 News

The IUF has condemned the barbaric attacks in Paris on Friday November 13 which claimed 129 lives and left 350 people wounded in a message of solidarity to its French affiliates.

Two years after mass terminations, Citra Mina workers determined to struggle for their rights

16.11.15 Feature

FightuntilwewinTwo years ago the Citra Mina Group of Companies, among the largest tuna exporters in General Santos, the Philippines, terminated 234 workers for exercising their human right to form a trade union. In the 24 months since the unfair termination of union leaders and members, the campaign for "Worker Safe" tuna has seen the struggle for reinstatement become a struggle for the future of the tuna industry itself.



Hotel housekeepers around the world demonstrate for a safe and secure workplace

16.11.15 News

HotelHousekeepersGlobalWeekofAction1Hotel workers from all continents took part in the 2nd IUF Global Week of Action from November 4-11, 2015 to highlight the unacceptable working conditions of housekeeping staff and their determination to fight for a safe and secure working environment.

Plunder, profit and private equity - a Trojan horse and the future of regulation

10.11.15 Editorial

Trojanhorse_0Ancient Greek myth tells the story of the Trojan War, according to which Greek soldiers defeated the city of Troy they had besieged for ten years by means of a giant wooden horse in which soldiers were concealed. A Luxembourg court will shortly decide whether the alleged looting of a Greek mobile phone company by two large private equity funds, Apax and TPG, was a financial Trojan horse carried out by fraudulent means.

US Phillips Seafood brutal Indonesian operation: crabmeat workers hired, fired and outsourced by text message

09.11.15 Urgent Action

LampungPhillipsMiniplants30102015Phillips Seafood, a US company with a chain of seafood restaurants on the East Coast which also has outlets in airports and casinos and markets processed seafood products, relies on brutal exploitation and disposable jobs for their Indonesian crabmeat. Most of the production workers at the Phillips Seafood crabmeat factory in Lampung, Indonesia are women; 60 percent of these workers have no permanent jobs. They're on permanent standby, and never know when or if they will be called to work by text message. SEND A MESSAGE TO PHILLIPS SEAFOOD!

PepsiCo: 'Union-busting is busting our children's future!'

05.11.15 News

Satyajit2Satyajit Debnath, the father of a young child, dreamed of building a real home to replace the bamboo structure he lives in with his family. He was saving for this while working at a warehouse in India contracted exclusively to PepsiCo, but was sacked for defending his rights as a worker. Now he worries if the flimsy hut they live in will survive the monsoon rains. SEND A MESSAGE TO PEPSICO!



AMWU protests replacement of older workers by casuals at vegetable giant Simplot

04.11.15 News

Simplot1The Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) is stepping up action to contest the forced redundancy of older workers and their replacement with casuals by the US-based vegetable and fertilizer transnational Simplot at the company's Ulverstone factory in northern Tasmania.  

IUF support for Ivory Coast forest service workers challenging repression

03.11.15 News

With support from the IUF a determined union of forest service workers in Ivory Coast is challenging anti-union repression and demanding workers be given adequate means to protect the country's forests.

PepsiCo binges on buybacks while dismissed warehouse worker's family goes hungry

24.10.15 News

DilipFormer warehouse worker Dilip Naskar has twice been fired for defending his rights and those of his workmates. The first time, as a worker in a warehouse in West Bengal, India providing exclusive services to PepsiCo. Dilip was one of 162 workers who were sacked in 2013 after they formed a union. Dilip eventually found work in a nearby factory, but was sacked after one month on the job when his boss found out about his history as a committed trade unionist. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO PEPSICO



Strengthening union organization in the meat sector

21.10.15 News

IUF affiliates from the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific gathered in Chicago on October 13-14 for the 3rd IUF global meat conference. Participants endorsed a proposal for the establishment of an IUF meat division within the structures of the IUF to assist increasing union membership and strength and building effective union coordination on organizing and bargaining at all levels.

Record compensation for PepsiCo CEO, dismissed warehouse workers in India struggle with unemployment and debt

17.10.15 News

GautamThirty-four year old Gautam Sardar has paid a steep price for standing up for his rights. Formerly employed as a worker in a warehouse in West Bengal, India contracted exclusively to handle PepsiCo FritoLay products, Gautam was one of 162 workers who were sacked in 2013 for joining a trade union. In response to national and international protests organized by the IUF, the workers were told they could return to work on condition that they signed statements declaring they would never again join a union, tore up their union cards and walked on them when they entered the warehouse. Gautam and 27 others refused these illegal, humiliating conditions and with the support of the IUF founded an Action Committee to fight for their rights.



Belgian unions protest government plan to promote job insecurity in hotels and restaurants

16.10.15 News

CSCdemonstrationsmallIn Belgium, "zero-hour contracts" have been banned since 1989 as part of the fight against undeclared jobs. This has helped unions to negotiate sectoral collective agreements with employers for the HORECA sector which have helped secure stable employment and set minimum wages.

World Food Day 2015: agricultural workers continue to die from lack of access to potable water

16.10.15 News

waterislifeAgriculture is by far the biggest user of water. Five years ago, in 2010, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the universal right to safe drinking water and sanitation and linked it to the human right to food. ILO Conventions affirm the obligation of states and employers to ensure that agricultural workers have adequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Despite this, millions of agricultural workers lack access to safe water at work and in their homes and die every year as a result.   


250,000 demonstrate in Berlin to say 'No to trade deals that threaten democracy'

12.10.15 Feature

TTIPposterCitizens across Europe took to the streets on October 10 to show their opposition to three pernicious trade and investment deals that threaten democracy: TTIP (EU/US), CETA (EU/Canada) and the TISA agreement on services driven by the world's wealthiest countries.


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