BCTGM steps up fight against Mondelez mass layoffs in Chicago

26.01.16 News

The IUF-affiliated BCTGM has stepped up its fight against mass layoffs at the Mondelez Chicago biscuit factory by filing grievances and a federal lawsuit charging that the layoffs are discriminatory and violate the collective agreement. The union has also formally charged management with inserting non-union contract workers into the bargaining unit in order to weaken union bargaining power.

Novoprof tackles massive wage arrears and precarious jobs at Sbarro fast food restaurants in Russia

20.01.16 News

SbarroMoscow2The IUF-affiliated Novoprof is supporting and organizing workers at the Moscow restaurants of the international fast food chain Sbarro, where workers have not been paid since July 2015. Sbarro's Russian operations also rely on the massive use of agency labour. In the Moscow region alone, workers are employed through 30 different temp agencies.

Lockout, dismissals, intimidation - serial rights abuses by New Zealand meat company Talleys/AFFCO

18.01.16 Urgent Action

975Two hundred workers at AFFCO, the New Zealand meat company owned by the anti-union Talley family, have been locked out since June last year for resisting the company's brutal push to replace negotiated collective agreements with individual contracts. Talleys/AFFCO is also punishing union members and workplace representatives with suspensions and dismissals. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO TALLEYS/AFFCO!



Workers jailed for protesting illegal mass terminations at Philip Morris Pakistan

08.01.16 Urgent Action

Thirty-five workers were arrested in the city of Mardan on January 6 for peacefully protesting the brutal instant termination of 141 employees at the Pakistan subsidiary of tobacco giant Philip Morris International.

Workers taste bitter repression at International Flavors & Fragrances in Turkey!

06.01.16 Urgent Action

IFFurgentemailInternational Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), a leading supplier of specialty ingredients to the global processed food industry, has responded to the organization of a union at its factory in Gebze, Turkey with mass dismissals. CLICK HERE TO TELL IFF TO STOP UNION-BUSTING!

Global union federations call on Chinese government to release detained worker rights defenders

22.12.15 News

FreelabourrightsactivistsAn international trade union delegation from the IUF and IndustriAll delivered a message to the Chinese Permanent Mission in Geneva, Switzerland December 21 demanding the release of labour rights defenders held in detention following the police sweep in Guangdong province earlier this month targeting labour rights centers and activists. At least four activists are in detention facing criminal charges.

FSBL and IUF stop illegal union verification by Phillips Seafood

17.12.15 News

Phillips%20Seafood65US-based company Phillips Seafood has reacted to the international campaign calling for the reinstatement of unfairly terminated workers and union recognition by introducing a new product in their factory in Lampung, Indonesia: a management-manufactured union. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO PHILLIPS SEAFOOD!


IUF condemns death sentence on domestic worker in Saudi Arabia

14.12.15 News

The IUF Africa Regional Committee, which met in Lome, Togo December 3-4, called on the government of Saudi Arabia to halt the planned execution of a Sri Lankan domestic worker sentenced to death on the spurious charge of ‘adultery’ earlier this year and to guarantee her immediate safe passage home.

China: police crackdown on labour rights activists

14.12.15 Urgent Action

HongKongGuangdongexcerptLabour rights activists are being held in criminal detention following a wide-scale police crackdown in the southeastern Chinese province of Guangdong December 3-5. Police targeted independent worker rights centers and arrested, questioned and detained staff and volunteers against a background of factory closures and rising worker protests and strikes. CLICK HERE to sign the petition for their release! 

IUF affiliates worldwide say STOP PepsiSqueeze!

03.12.15 News

image_0International trade union support at home and abroad continues to build for the struggle for workers at warehouses in West Bengal, India contracted to PepsiCo who were sacked after forming a union in 2013.

State violence denounced in Korea, calls to defend farmers' livelihoods in the face of corporate 'free trade' deals

03.12.15 News


During the brutal police crackdown on a mass demonstration in Seoul by unions, farmers and civic groups on November 14, 69 year old farmer Baek Nam-gi was struck down by a water cannon aimed directly at his face by riot police. Police continued to fire on protesters attempting to carry the unconscious Baek to an ambulance. 

Myanmar: Bagan Hotel River View workers determined to win their rights

25.11.15 News

Workers at the Bagan Hotel River View in Myanmar (Burma) are determined to defend their union in the face of management hostility and government ineffectiveness in enforcing basic trade union rights.

Why is there no food on the table at the UN Climate Change Conference?

23.11.15 Feature

As governments, corporations and civil society organizations prepare for the United Nations' Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) November 30 - December 11, a major force behind global warming is still not on the agenda: the food system.

New police raids, more arrests - stop the Korean government's attacks on trade union rights!

22.11.15 Urgent Action

KCTUraidThe increasingly authoritarian government of Korean President Park Geun-hye is stepping up its attacks on trade unions and their rights. Police raided the offices of the KCTU Korean Public Service and Transport Workers' Union (KPTU) on November 6, attacked participants in a mass demonstration against regressive new labour legislation on November 14 and followed that up by raiding the offices of 8 KCTU affiliates on November 21.SEND A MESSAGE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF KOREA!

Italy: McDonald's activists reinstated, court declares McDonald's guilty of anti-union activities

17.11.15 News

Earlier this year, management of the McDonald's restaurant in central Milan, Italy informed on-duty employees that the restaurant would be closing the following day and that 46 of the 50 workers would be transferred. The remaining four, two union members and two union representatives, were dismissed.


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