International Women's Day 2016 - join us in the fight for women's right to food, water and social protection

07.03.16 Editorial

childcarryingwater1smallWomen are disproportionally affected by malnutrition and food insecurity. Today, some 793 million people are chronically undernourished, of whom 70 percent are women. The causes of women's massive overrepresentation among those who are deprived of one of the most essential human rights - the right to food - are also well known. They include discrimination with regard to access to employment, pay equity and property rights, lack of maternity protection and access to child care facilities and an unequal burden of family responsibilities.

Talleys AFFCO, prosecuted for health and safety violations, lays off union members

07.03.16 News

The District Court in New Zealand has ruled that serial rights abuser Talleys/AFFCO failed to meet its statutory obligations to provide a safe workplace after an experienced worker was impaled by a meat hook and dragged along the line at the company's Rangiuru plant.

Four workers killed in accident at Heineken Brazil

03.03.16 News

Four contract workers at the Heineken plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil were killed and another injured when a boiler under repair exploded on January 28.

The Airbus 8 and the right to strike: unfinished business

29.02.16 Editorial

On February 16 a Spanish court acquitted 8 trade unionists facing prison terms of over 8 years for participating in the 2010 general strike against the government's austerity measures.

Talleys/AFFCO lockout lifted by court order, rights abuses continue

26.02.16 News

Members of the New Zealand Meat Workers Union began returning to work at the Talleys/AFFCO Wairoa plant on February 22 following a court decision ordering the company to end the brutal 5-month lockout of union workers.

Mondelez reported to be recruiting strikebreakers in preparation for bargaining

19.02.16 News

According to a report in the US union-supported Northwest Labor Press, Mondelez has recruited strikebreakers in preparation for national bargaining with the IUF-affiliated BCTGM covering 5 Nabisco biscuit plants and three distribution centers.

Government of Iran preparing new anti-worker repression

17.02.16 News

Fierce repression of worker protest in Iran has not abated following the easing of sanctions. On February 5, a local news agency in Golestan Province proudly reported on a mock training exercise by the Basij, a nation-wide paramilitary organization supported and funded by the governing authorities, in which protesting workers were attacked and arrested.

Colombia: SINTRAINAGRO warns of catastrophic impact of 'free trade' on sugar industry livelihoods

16.02.16 News

The National Union of Agroindustry Workers of Colombia (SINTRAINAGRO) is calling for a radical change of government economic policies which threaten the livelihoods of more than 750,000 sugarcane workers and their families in the departments of Valle del Cauca and Risaralda.

Brazil : foodworkers refuse to pay the costs of crisis

10.02.16 News

The Food Industry Workers' National Confederation of Brazil (CNTA Afins) has launched a national mobilization in preparation for 2016 negotiations in the food industry to defend against efforts by employers and politicians to force workers to pay the costs of the country's deepening economic crisis.

Vicious union-busting at Moroccan fish canner DOHA

05.02.16 Urgent Action

979Over 500 workers in the Moroccan city of Agadir have been on strike since March 2015 at DOHA, part of the wealthy BICHA Group. DOHA workers, nearly 95% of whom are women, produce tinned fish and other products for worldwide export. The company, with the help of compliant legal and political authorities, has sought to dissolve the union, dismiss its members, criminalize and punish the strikers and confiscate the union leaders' home. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO DOHA!


Philippines: NUWHRAIN wins government order to inspect working conditions of housekeepers

03.02.16 News

As a direct result of Global Housekeeping Campaign activities in the Philippines, the IUF-affiliated NUWHRAIN won a government administrative order for the inspection of hotels for non-compliance with national labour and health and safety regulations.  

Workplace slaughter and rights abuses continue at Talleys/AFFCO

01.02.16 News

According to the New Zealand government's Accident Compensation Corporation, nearly 5,000 Talley's workers have been awarded over USD 4.7 million in compensation for workplace accidents over the last three years; 1,286 Talley's workers were injured on the job in 2014 alone.

Joint commitment on preventing sexual harassment at Unilever

27.01.16 News

The IUF and IndustriAll, the international unions representing workers at the global food and home and personal products manufacturer Unilever, have signed a joint commitment with the company on preventing sexual harassment at Unilever workplaces.

Trade deals and the TPP corporate power grab - resistance must continue!

27.01.16 Editorial

StopTPPAfter eight years of secret negotiations, governments will sign the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement in New Zealand on February 4. The treaty text, which was only made public last November, confirms what critics of the deal have been contending since leaked portions of the draft chapters became available, and even earlier, since corporations have never been shy about setting out their goals. The TPP in its final form shows that the corporations have gotten what they want: a trade deal which threatens democracy.

Carlsberg/Cambrew dismisses striking beer promotion women in Cambodia!

27.01.16 Urgent Action

cambodiacarlsbergEleven members of the IUF-affiliated Cambodian Food and Service Workers' Federation (CFSWF) employed by transnational brewery giant Carlsberg's joint venture local brewer Cambrew have been dismissed in retaliation for taking strike action on January 16. Workers are fighting the company's attempt to impose short-term employment contracts and late working hours. CLICK HERE TO TELL CARLSBERG TO STOP UNION-BUSTING!



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