
A message from IUF General Secretary Sue Longley including IUF COVID-19 Demands

06.04.20 News
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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, I am constantly impressed by the determination of our affiliates to protect members and to fight for fair treatment of workers.

To assist in the fight we have produced 5 leaflets on  Agriculture, Food & Beverage, Hotels, Equality  and  Fast Food:

https://mcusercontent.com/e788a43ccacc225abf8e6e748/images/675bdf26-142e-40bf-a51c-1132833475d4.jpghttps://mcusercontent.com/e788a43ccacc225abf8e6e748/images/b4537f4f-d27c-4e7e-aeea-a336ecf33388.jpghttps://mcusercontent.com/e788a43ccacc225abf8e6e748/images/2a570240-25f1-4404-a905-9232c65e9217.jpghttps://mcusercontent.com/e788a43ccacc225abf8e6e748/images/3465d976-76af-41cc-883d-afa198324393.jpg  http://www.iuf.org/w/sites/default/files/IUFCOVID19DemandsFastFoodEN_0.jpg

The IUF continues to negotiate with employers and to monitor their commitments on COVID-19. We are also lobbying UN agencies to issue strong, coherent policies to protect workers and to ensure that workers’ rights are at the centre of bail-out plans and recovery programmes.

Please continue to supply us with your updates, struggles and victories, for our COVID-19 page.

We continue to fight together and we will win together.

Stay safe. Keep well.

In solidarity,

Sue Longley
General Secretary